14 Febbraio 2024 10.30-12.00 Bruxelles
RIKEN’s Europe Office (* RIKEN is a top Japanese national basic and fundamental research institute) will be organising an in-person international symposium in Brussels on “Science and technologies, platforms and collaboration for researching human physiology and diseases: enabling organoids”. This symposium will feature the topic of organoids as well as mark the 5th anniversary of the establishment of RIKEN’s Europe Office, exploring further international cooperation with European research institutes, universities, companies etc.
RIKEN will welcome not only specialists, researchers and engineers but also research coordinators, policy officers, diplomats and journalists among others who are interested in international research and innovation collaboration.
Per registrarsi e partecipare accedere al link: https://europe.riken.jp/2024/announcing-the-riken-europe-symposium-2024/