
Seminario Prof. Alexander Domling


Alex Domling
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14 febbraio 2025
ore 11


Alex Dömling studied Chemistry & Biology at the Technische Universitat MunchenAlex Dömling studied Chemistry & Biology at the Technische Universitat Munchen(TUM). He performed his Ph.D. with Ivar Ugi and his postdoc – funded by a FeodorLynen stipend from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – with doubleNobel Laureate Barry Sharpless. After his habilitation at TUM, he became aprofessor at the University of Pittsburgh, then chair of the Department of DrugDesign at the University of Groningen, and most recently ERA Chair at PalackyUniversity.He also started several biotech companies. He is the author of over 300 publicationsand over 70 patent applications. His current lab works according to themantra ‘Automation + Miniaturization = Acceleration’ on the ERC-fundedproject of engineering an autonomous drug discovery platform called AMADEUS.Alexander Dömling is a world-renowned researcher in the area of miniaturization,automation of synthetic chemistry, and multicomponent reaction chemistry.Professor Dömling applies multicomponent reaction chemistry to solveproblems in drug discovery and related areas. Notably, he introduced the AcousticDroplet Ejection technology platform to perform precise high throughputsynthetic chemistry and demonstrated its applicability to multiple different chemistriesand chemical biology projects.

Seminari ICB
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