We have the pleasure to invite you to the EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON SURFACE SCIENCE – 3° Edition that will be held in Nice, France, from October 17th to 19th, 2018. The Symposium is organized by the European Association on Materials Surface Science & Technology (EMASST).
EMASST is an Association which aims to bring subjects and skills together that work in the field of Science and Technology of materials surfaces.
EMASST promotes basic research activities, industrial development, production and addition of the new products within the market carried out by Universities, Research Centers and Industries of EU member countries (www.emasst.com).
The EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON SURFACE SCIENCE will be a unique event to encourage an unprecedented international cross-collaboration amongst fundamental and applied surface sciences and industrial world.
The conference will consider various new developments, both from an experimental and computational viewpoint. Special emphasis was given to the application of advanced theoretical and experimental approaches as well as multiscale and multidisciplinary approach. In particular the presented novelties will be focused on the potential application and to the industrial fallout.
The main symposium goal is to bring scientists, professionals and researchers from various areas together to present and discuss topics related to Material Science and Surface Science to promote improvement of new products and processes.
The 3rd edition will be focused on three Key scientific/technological topics:
Smart Coatings and Surface Modification,
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials,
Advanced Manufacturing/Processing and Characterizations.
as applied in:
People’s health and well being
Safe, smart, green transportation
Smart cities: environmental quality and mitigation of pollutants
The selected manuscripts, will be uploaded as short papers at the conference website where they are easily accessible to the international scientific community, while the abstracts will be published in a hard copy or CD at the conference proceedings.
During the 3rd edition of the congress, the scientific committee will confer the EMASST AWARD on Surface Science to the best paper that will be presented as oral presentation in terms of: innovation, quality of activity, industrial application.
Authors are requested to submit abstracts, preferably, by e-mail, as an attached file, to the following address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. with "abstract for European Symposium" as Subject not later than August 31, 2018.
More information for the Symposium can be found on the webpage:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Best Regards
The Steering Committee
Registration form