On March 28-29 2019, under the auspices of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry of the SCI the Centro Congressi Europa “Sala Italia” of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore at Largo Francesco Vito 1, Rome will host the
Computationally Driven Drug Discovery Meeting
CDDD 6th Meeting
Following the previous editions held in L’Aquila in 2011, in Genova 2013, in Verona 2014, in Pomezia 2016 and in Milan 2017, the convention aims to gather together researchers who make use of techniques such as computational chemistry, chemoinformatics, QSAR, property prediction to direct their effort towards integrated drug discovery program.
Researchers from both academia and industry are cordially invited to attend and to contribute to set up the state of the art of the discipline in Italy.
Expected outcomes of the convention are:
- to promote a deep scientific discussion in the multifaceted field of computational drug discovery;
- to promote the mutual acquaintance of research groups and to devise potential areas of collaboration;
- to promote the integration between industrial needs and academic expertise towards more effective drug discovery programs.
The sessions will be focused on topical issues among which Kinetics and residence time in drug discovery, Cryptic and allosteric pocket identification and related computational methods, and Big data and machine Learning.
The participation to the convention is free, but the number of participants is limited to 80. The selection will be made by the scientific committee on the basis of first come, first serve.
All those who are interested in participating must send an email to:
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The scientific committee
- Stefano Alcaro (Università di Catanzaro)
- Andrea Cavalli (Università di Bologna e IIT, Genova)
- Maria Cristina De Rosa (local organizer, CNR, Rome)
- Rosella Ombrato (Angelini, Pomezia)
- Luca Sartori (S-IN, Soluzioni Informatiche, Vicenza)
- Francesca Spyrakis (Università di Torino)
- Giulio Vistoli (Università di Milano)