
IC - Journal of Applied Crystallography



Two papers of the CNR-Institute of Crystallography among the ten most cited among those published in the Journal of Applied Crystallography

The next issue of the Journal of Applied Crystallography is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the publication. This magazine, of prestige for world crystallography, has celebrated the occasion with an article, in which a short history of the magazine is published, and is also listed the TOP 10 most cited articles published over the past 50 years. Among these, there are two papers of the Institute of Crystallography, an honor not shared with any other Crystallographic Institute in the world.


The scientific visibility of this result has wider proportions. In fact, out of 1,357,816 scientific papers, the result of a research on Web of Science limited to the 'Topic' 'Crystal', and not bound to specific journals, two publications of the Institute of Crystallography are among the TOP 20 most cited articles (


These data underscore, once again, the worldwide leadership of the Institute of Crystallography in the development of crystallographic methodologies applied to different scientific fields from biocrystallography, structural chemistry, from mineralogy to material sciences.


These results are due to the research that began thanks to the scientific intuition of Prof. Carmelo Giacovazzo founder and Director of the Institute for the Development of Crystallographic Methodologies of Bari, and subsequently, since 2002, the first Director of the Institute of Crystallography.


